Drunken Philosophies and Rantings: <span style="color: rgb(102, 255, 255)" >Public Service Announcement</span>

Monday, July 17, 2006

Public Service Announcement

This here’s about that mountain chap
Ya know the man as Jacky Strap
People—his mountain’s just a small hill

He said he were one rough neck guy
Throw ya a punch an spit in yer eye
Yet I ain’t seen him throw one still

Ya just know when there comes that night
And you and he have got to fight
I place my dollar on yer bill

It’s not that yer so damn tough
Or on the fact that yer hot stuff
It’s just his name should be Jill

I saw him in a Texan town
Where they lay the whisky down
Local spot where I drowned my fill

Jack was in a ring game of stud
When a man walked in from the mud
And start to flirt with “his” girl, Lill

Doncha right know a fight broke out
And all the men began to shout
So thrilling to witness the kill

Must have been something Jacky saw
All of a sudden he didn’t want to brawl
An’ ‘fore the draw—he lost his will

Quickly he off’ed an’ disapeared
Before the dust had all but cleared
The crowded laughter were so shrill

As I now think of what I saw
The tale I tell you ain’t that tall
You can trust against yer will

In his or yer fear you shall lave
Take a stand, men or dig yer grave
Giving in is a move made ill

Shake yer head and doubt what I say
Seen it like it were yesterday
But you dont believe—even still

So, you just go on yer own way
Hunker down and pay his pay
And I recon you always will

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