Drunken Philosophies and Rantings

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I’ve had a revelation.
—And you’re just gonna share it with us all aren’t you…
Yes, yes I am.
—Great—just great—I just can’t wait to hear this. Is there any way I could convince you from sharing every dithered thought that enters your brain?
Nope—‘fraid not.
—Well, damn. Get on with it I suppose…

Anyway, like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, is that I have had a revalat—
—Um… Sorry, but you do know that no one is going to listen, right?
Er… I guess I figured as much.
—And you don’t care?
No, not really. I figured that no one has ever before, so why stop now.
—But you could save a whole lot of trouble by just keeping it to yourself…
I could, but I won’t. Because—
—Because this is too damn important, right?
—No. What ever it is that you have figured out, your so-called “revelation,” is probably—odds are—nothing much more than what someone else has already figured out and written, spoke, or articulated about in some sort of medium throughout the ages way before you have. And, mind you, it was articulated in a manner better than you could have ever touched upon. Chances are that your “common sense” has probably resonated throughout the ages, in every hall and mind, before there was a spit of your essence in your father’s eye.
This may be true.
And nothing.
—So, you still have the wherewithal to continue on with your useless realization?
Yes. You know, no one really uses the phrase/word “wherewithal” anymore do they?
—No they don’t—well—except rednecks I suppose. But then, when it’s pronounced and used, I doubt it is said correctly or in the right use. Yet, back to the point a hand. I was asking if you’re still going to continue on with your report even though no one may read or care about it.
—So, are you?
Of course.
Why not? I mean, besides being because I am just stubborn, it’s not really whether or not I can communicate with others my understandings, or whether or not they care. It’s not even whether or not they read what I have to say, because all that matters is that I wrote it down, I put my thoughts into words.
—But what would be the point? I don’t get it. The thoughts are already in your head. Why waste the time writing it down, when you could better yourself by reading or at the very least killing what brain cells you have left—um—so these kind of conversations quit happening.
Of course you don’t. You—like me—are naturally a cynic. You’re a person who believes that people only react to selfish motivations in any form of human interaction. You don’t believe in any form of altruistic actions or points of view without bias. The bias being, of course, me-first and the gimmie-gimmies… I write these notions, no matter how silly, for me and me alone. I know that no one is really out there reading them, if or when I post them, but it really doesn’t matter.
—Why not?
Because when I articulate my thoughts, which for the most part are so fractured and fractioned inside my skull, when I put it to paper, it helps me to assemble the jumble clearly.
—So, if the writing, or whatever you do, is just for you, then why do you post them—especially if you know that no one is really going to read them or even understand your extrinsic ranting(s)?

Maybe someone will, maybe someone does. This posting thing is nothing but a twenty-first century version of a journal anyway. Sure it’s in a public sphere, but what exactly isn’t these days. It’s not really, like you said, like I am solving any world delemas or anything with what I have discovered or write about, and it’s not exactly anything to personal that I share within the sphere. This is why I don’t write my post directly on the site, but on Word, where I can save the hard copy to my computer. I just place a copy after the fact online if I am up to it. Lately, as you may know, I haven’t been quite up to it.

—Why, what has changed? You were previously putting up crap before, and now—all of a sudden—you are against it? OH THANK GOD!
Erm… no, I still like putting crap out there. The only difference is that now that I deal with computers all damn day long, I never seem that interested in following through with taking that extra step forward and placing them online.
—I hope that never changes…
—Oh, go on then—whatever… Put whatever it is that you have found out, crappy as it may be, online where no one will ever read it.
I will…
—Okay then…

—Do it…

—Well, are you or are you not going to enlighten us all with your so-called great “revelation?”
Um… Well, I—ugh—I guess I could—
But, after all this talking, I forgot what I was going to say…

—Good! Mission accomplished!
—You heard me. You’re pathetic
You know you’re a jerk, right?
—Who doesn’t.



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