A precocious birth celebrated in a quip acrid death. This is how I want to be remembered.
A quip acrid death? What the fuck are you talking about? You want a humored, unpleasant death?
That’s all you’re going to say is “yup.”
Yup. What else is there?
Well, for starters, you could tell us exactly what you believe is a quip acrid death.
Nah, that’ll spoil the surprise… [and who is us?]
Surprise? [nevermind the us… tell me…]
Yeah. It’s a surprise. You won’t think it so funny if you know what’s going to happen ahead of time…
I won’t, huh?
So, my bet’s down on death via autoerotic asphyxiation…
[Ha. Ha. Ha…] I got to admit that would be pretty funny, but the unpleasant part is debatable… seeing as one would only do so to get off…
Ah… good point… Um—well—at the very least—no one is going to believe you as ever in your life being precocious.
Well, you know what, you’re—you’re—just a big ball of prick… That’s what you are…
A big ball of prick, huh?
You’re a dumbass…All in all, none of it really makes sense anyhow...
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